Agricultural production in 2024

In 2024 the agricultural production in farms of all types (agricultural organisations, private farms and household plots) at current prices was BYN 36.3 billion, an increase of 3.4% at constant prices compared with 2023. The agricultural production in agricultural organisations was BYN 29.7 billion, an increase of 5.1% at constant prices compared with the previous year.

In the total agricultural production Minsk region (26.4%) and Brest region (23%) accounted for the largest share, followed by Grodno region (18.3%), Gomel region (11.3%), Vitebsk region (11%) and Mogilev region (9.9%).

The production of livestock and poultry (in live weight) in farms of all types was recorded at 1824.8 thous. tonnes, an increase of 2.6% compared with 2023. The milk production was at 8749.7 thous. tonnes (+5%), the production of eggs was at 3713.3 million units (+8%).The gross harvest of grains and legumes was at 8.3 million tonnes, an increase of 8.8% compared with the previous year, rape – 1 million tonnes (+15.8%), sugar beets – 5 million tonnes (+2.2%). 3.1 million tonnes of potatoes were lifted, 2.8 million tonnes of vegetables were gathered.

The share of agricultural organisations was 97.3% of the total production of livestock and poultry (in live weight), 97.9% of the milk production, 86.8% of the production of eggs, 95% of grains, 95.1% of rape, 97.8% of sugar beets, 10.8% of potatoes and 5.7% of vegetables.

15.01.2025 11:03

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