In 2024 the agricultural production in farms of all types (agricultural organisations, private farms and household plots) at current prices was BYN 36.3 billion, an increase of 3.4% at constant prices compared with 2023. The agricultural production in agricultural organisations was BYN 29.7 billion, an increase of 5.1% at constant prices compared with the previous year.
In the total agricultural production Minsk region (26.4%) and Brest region (23%) accounted for the largest share, followed by Grodno region (18.3%), Gomel region (11.3%), Vitebsk region (11%) and Mogilev region (9.9%).
The production of livestock and poultry (in live weight) in farms of all types was recorded at 1824.8 thous. tonnes, an increase of 2.6% compared with 2023. The milk production was at 8749.7 thous. tonnes (+5%), the production of eggs was at 3713.3 million units (+8%).The gross harvest of grains and legumes was at 8.3 million tonnes, an increase of 8.8% compared with the previous year, rape – 1 million tonnes (+15.8%), sugar beets – 5 million tonnes (+2.2%). 3.1 million tonnes of potatoes were lifted, 2.8 million tonnes of vegetables were gathered.
The share of agricultural organisations was 97.3% of the total production of livestock and poultry (in live weight), 97.9% of the milk production, 86.8% of the production of eggs, 95% of grains, 95.1% of rape, 97.8% of sugar beets, 10.8% of potatoes and 5.7% of vegetables.
© National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. When using information reference to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is mandatory.