(based on data of the Labour Force Survey)
Employment rate in the Republic of Belarus (the ratio of employed population to the population aged 15 − 74 years) in Quarter 4 of 2024 was 66.6%; unemployment rate (in compliance with the ILO methodology) was 3% of the number of labour force.
For reference:
The survey is carried out in compliance with the methodology of the International Labour Organization on a quarterly basis in order to obtain the information on the number of labour force, employed, unemployed as well as the persons outside the labour force, by gender, age, level of education, and other demographic and socio-economic characteristics.
During the survey, the persons aged 15 through 74 years are interviewed. The lower age threshold has been set in compliance with the UN recommendations for population censuses that specify that the minimum age for measuring economic activity of the population should not exceed 15 years; while the upper age limit has been set taking into account the facts of economic activity.
The survey is conducted in all regions and the city of Minsk using the sampling method and covers 0.8% of the total households in the Republic of Belarus, with further extrapolation of results on the total population of the surveyed age.
Methodological differences in the formation of the number of employed population according to the survey results compared to the current estimate obtained on the basis of state statistical observations, survey data, administrative data, are as follows:
recording of the employed population in the survey is carried out at the place of residence, and not at the place of work;
the number of employed population includes categories that are not taken into account in the current estimate: people who are absent from the workplace due to maternity leave and caring for a child before he/she reaches the age of three years, military service men, people working outside the country.
© National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. When using information reference to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is mandatory.