Environmental protection in the Republic of Belarus, 2021

Environmental protection in the Republic of Belarus, 2021

Document type: Statistical data books

Registration No.: 06/502-р

Registration date: 12 August 2021

Organization: National statistical committe of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)

Periodicity: Annual

Language: English


pages 200, date publication – August

The statistical book contains the data on the state of the environment, availability and use of natural resources, and environmental expenditure. It also presents climate change and green growth indicators, information on areas of radioactive contamination as a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant catastrophe. The environmental indicators from the National list of Sustainable Development Goal indicators are published as well.

The information is presented in time series at the national and regional level. Some indicators are provided by districts and selected cities. A number of indicators are broken down by economic activity.

The statistical book contains methodological notes on the main statistical indicators as well as graphs, charts and maps.

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