H.2. Freight transport demand

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Brief description:

Total freight transport demand as well as freight transport demand by mode of transport (road, railway, pipeline, inland waterways and aviation transport); the volume of freight transport in tonne-kilometres per unit of GDP.

Total freight transport demand in the Republic of Belarus for 2000-2023
(billion tonne-kilometres)


Freight transport demand is the volume of freight transportation;

The unit of measure is tonne-kilometre, i.e. conveyance of 1 tonne of freight over a distance of 1 kilometre;

Measured as a sum of weights of each freight consignment in tonnes multiplied by the distance in kilometers.

Data source:

State statistical reports:

12-тр (вт) "Отчет о перевозках внутренним водным транспортом общего пользования" (Report on transportation by inland waterways transport of general use);
12-тр (авто) "Отчет о наличии и использовании автомобильного транспорта" (Report on ownership and use of road transport);
12-тр (авиа) "Отчет о воздушных перевозках" (Report on air transportation);
4-тр (автотранс) "Отчет об использовании автомобильного транспорта" (Report on the use of road transport);
12-тр (трубопровод) "Отчет о транспортировке продукции магистральными трубопроводами" (Report on transportation of products by main pipelines);
administrative data the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus;

The data producers are the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus.

Relevance of the indicator:

The indicator allows for measuring the impact a freight transport on the environment.

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