I.1. Waste generation
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Brief description:
Waste generation (generated in own production and received from other organizations) by economic activity;
Generation of solid municipal waste;
Moreover, the indicators are presented per unit of GDP and per capita.
Industrial waste and solid municipal waste generation per unit of GDP in terms of PPP in the Republic of Belarus
(kg/1000 international $, GDP in terms of PPP in prices of 2021)

Industrial waste includes waste generated in the process of economic activity (manufacture of goods, electricity generation, performing of work, provision of services); by- and associated products of extraction and processing of minerals;
Industrial waste does not include:
- radioactive waste;
- products of animal origin;
- scrap and waste of ferrous metals (except waste containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls);
- scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals (except spent lead-acid batteries, as well as waste containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls);
- consumption waste;
Industrial waste is classified:
by hazard category in accordance with the National classification of the Republic of Belarus 021-2019 “Classifier of waste occurring in Belarus”;
by economic activity:
- for 2010-2015: the National classification of the Republic of Belarus 005-2006 “Types of Economic Activity” (compliant with NACE Rev.1.1) was used;
- since 2016: the National classification of the Republic of Belarus 005-2011 “Types of Economic Activity” (compliant with NACE Rev.2.0) is used;
Municipal waste comprises consumption waste and industrial waste included in the List of waste referred to municipal waste; the List is approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Belarus.
Data on generation of solid municipal waste are estimated as sum of data solid municipal waste recovered and landfilled.
Data source:
Industrial waste: state statistical report 1-отходы (Минприроды) «Отчет об обращении с отходами производства» (Report on industrial waste management); the data producer is the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus;
Municipal waste: administrative data; the data producer is the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Belarus.
Relevance of the indicator:
The indicator allows for measuring the anthropogenic impact on the environment; the analyses of trends in waste generated per unit of GDP allows for measuring material-intensive production patterns.