Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus

Publishing period - September (in Russian), October (in English)

The Statistical Yearbook is the most comprehensive publication of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus that reflects phenomena and processes occurring in the economic and social life of the country. The Yearbook provides the information on the demographic situation, employment, working conditions and living standards. Some sections are dedicated to the characteristics of the main areas of the social sector.

Data on the production and use of gross domestic product are published. A significant place is given to the indicators that represent selected economic activities - industry, agriculture, forestry, construction, transport, and trade.

There is information about natural resources and environmental protection. Data on the main indicators of scientific and innovation activity in the country, use of information and communication technologies are published. There is information about financial status of organizations, monetary system, small and medium business, prices and tariffs of goods and services.

A separate section of the Yearbook is dedicated to foreign economic activities and contains data on foreign trade in goods and services and information on foreign investment.

There are methodological notes to the main statistical indicators published in the Yearbook.

Published in Russian and English.