INOGATE Regional Workshop on Energy Efficiency Indicators was held in Minsk on 22 – 24 September 2015.
7 october 2015
The Regional Workshop on Energy Efficiency Indicators (EEIs) entitled “Helping INOGATE Partner Countries to Develop Indicators for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures”, organized by INOGATE Technical Secretariat (ITS) in the framework of project “New INOGATE Technical Secretariat and integrated programme in support of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership energy objectives”, was held in Minsk on 22 – 24 September 2015.
The representatives of five Partner Countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine), Eurasian Economic Commission, experts of ITS, Energy Charter Secretariat and International Energy Agency attended the workshop.
During the workshop there were presented the best international practices in terms of Energy Efficiency Indicators, monitoring and evaluation of energy efficiency policies in three main sectors: economy-wide indicators, residential and industry. The participants reviewed the best examples of the EEIs systems. The international experts demonstrated a user-friendly tool specially developed for modeling household energy data and the calculation of end-use energy consumptions using Belarus and Azerbaijan as showcases. The ITS recommendations for the development of Energy Efficiency Indicators in the transport and services sectors were discussed.