National experience in organizing and maintaining industrial statistics is presented at the headquarters of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (Vienna, Austria)

In Vienna (Austria) on February 7-9 under the auspices of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) an orientation seminar is taking place on the regional project "Improvement of industrial statistics and development of statistical indicators for the analysis of industrial development in some countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia". The implementation of the project is intended to ensure further improvement of the organization and methodology of industrial statistics in the countries of the region.

Representatives of national statistical offices and international organizations are taking part in the seminar. During the work the experts shared the experience of organizing industrial statistics and currently used methodological approaches in the beneficiary countries, as well as presented proposals for the action plan of the project implementation.

The Republic of Belarus is represented at the seminar by Timofey Zhigarev, Deputy Chairperson of Belstat, and Alexander Snetkov, Head of Industrial Statistics Department. During the session "Country presentations" the representatives of Belstat informed about the current state, achievements and plans of industrial statistics in the Republic of Belarus.

"Over the past five years the Republic of Belarus has made significant progress in the development of industrial statistics. The methodological approaches to the calculation of industrial production volumes and indices in the context of the latest international recommendations have been modernized, the accuracy of estimates of short-term dynamics of industrial development has been improved while reducing the reporting burden on respondents, multi-year chain series of industrial production indices have been constructed, interactive formats for presenting industrial statistics data to users and tools for monitoring sustainable development goals in the field of industrialization, innovations and infrastructure have been implemented.

Active work on introduction of modern programming languages into statistical practice is underway.

Within the framework of the project, Belstat plans to receive technical, advisory and expert assistance for further capacity building in the field of industrial statistics: in particular, on the implementation of calculations of new statistical indicators with a focus on performance indicators of industrial enterprises and access to financial services, improvement of tools for geospatial data dissemination and monitoring of progress in in the empowerment of women in industry, deepening competencies in graphical interpretation of data," Timofey Zhigarev said.

The outcome of the seminar will be the development of a joint action plan for the implementation of the project.

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