About participation in international forums

The EU4Energy Policy Forum on Demand Restraint and Fuel Switching and EU4Energy Statistics Network meeting took place on April 4 – 5, 2019 in Paris, France. Deputy Chairperson of Belstat Olga Dovnar took part in the meetings.

The events were organized by the International Energy Agency as part of the EU4Energy programme designed to promote sound energy policy-making and improvement of energy statistics in the Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries.

The forum addressed the issues of sustainable energy development and energy security relevant to the Republic of Belarus, the prospects of energy statistics as the main analytical tool for energy policy making as well as improving its quality and data availability.

A separate session was dedicated to discussing the issues of and making decisions on further interaction and cooperation within the framework of EU4Energy statistics network after the programme completion in 2020.

Delegates to the forum learned about international best practices in using short-term data for immediate response to energy emergencies.

The Energy Statistics Network Meeting included joint sessions with the EU4Energy Steering Committee, its advisory body consisting of national country focal points as well as experts from the European Commission and other international organisations.

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