Within the framework of the third session "Modern statistics from the user's perspective" of the International Forum of Producers and Users of Statistics, held on September 12-14, 2023, the head of the Coordination and Development of the Statistical System Department of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Alla Bilenko made a report on the topic "Users of official statistics: new requirements and tools for their implementation".
Addressing the participants of the Forum, Alla Bilenko noted that "users requirements to statistical data, their quality, detalization and presentation format are constantly growing and becoming more complex. On the one hand, this creates new challenges for statisticians, on the other hand - undeniable opportunities for innovation".
Taking into account that Belstat produces official statistics in interaction with respondents and users, the work to ensure high quality of data is carried out at all stages of statistical production.
The representative of the National Statistical Committee emphasized that all conditions have been created for this purpose, the powers of statistical offices to work with primary statistical data have been strengthened by law, the necessary logical and arithmetic controls have been automated, the system of quality assessment of alternative data sources has been built.
In order to maximize the satisfaction of users information needs the state statistical offices have established continuous interaction with them starting from the stage of defining the requirements and ending with the dissemination of official data.
For the dialogue with users the feedback is organized by means of the questionnaire placed on the official sites, the system of registration and processing citizens and legal entities appeals, regular direct telephone lines and work with inquiries. At the same time, the user questionnaire allows to determine the frequency and purposes of using statistics, its most demanded branches and the preferred form of obtaining information, as well as allows users to make specific proposals concerning the dissemination of data - noted the representative of Belstat.
All information needs of the users are reflected in strategic and current planning documents, and the ways of dissemination of official data are determined taking into account the evolving information technologies.
The process of dissemination of official statistical information is regulated and transparent.
The main and most functional tools for data dissemination are the information systems of Belstat (IAS DB, analytical system of population census, portals concerning children, "Gender Statistics", National SDG reporting platform), which are based on the principle of "business intelligence for self-service". Thus, in interactive mode the user independently forms necessary queries. Besides, all statistical bases provide data uploading in machine-readable formats for their further loading into analytical software on the user’s side.
Today, the information resource of all Belstat systems includes about 1,400 indicators (without taking into account their detailing), which made it possible to move from voluminous collections to more colorful and concise booklets.
The work on the design of disseminated information is being improved. Data presentation is actively applied with the use of infographics, which allows to visualize the structure and dynamics of statistical indicators.
All disseminated official statistics are accompanied by metadata, a brief glossary of statistical terms and user calendars are posted on official websites.
In conclusion, Alla Bilenko noted that in the future it is planned to launch a geostatistical portal, the Regional Platform for Sustainable Development Goals, as well as modernization of existing information systems to provide a unified point of entry and search for data literally in a few clicks.
© National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. When using information reference to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is mandatory.