Current issues of cooperation discussed at a meeting with the Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the Republic of Belarus Rustam Khaidarov

On 15 November 2022, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus hosted a meeting between the Chairperson of Belstat, Inna Medvedeva, and the Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Belarus, Rustam Khaidarov. This is the first official visit of Mr Khaidarov to Belstat since he took office as Representative of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Belarus. The First Deputy Chairperson of Belstat, Elena Kukharevich, Head of the International Cooperation and Statistical Information Dissemination Department, Irina Mazayskaya, and UNICEF Social Policy Specialist Andrei Zayats also participated.

During the meeting Inna Medvedeva noted the high effectiveness of Belstat’s cooperation with the UNICEF Country Office and expressed appreciation for the assistance provided to the comprehensive survey of the situation of persons with disabilities, sixth round of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey on Children and Women (MICS), the development of the Universal web portal on children and the National platform for reporting indicators of SDG.

The Chairperson of Belstat also described the most important areas of future cooperation with UNICEF - expert support for the development of methodological approaches to the assessment of the quality of administrative data, measurement of multidimensional poverty, integration of data of the web portal on children in the TransMonEE database in SDMX format, improving the system for monitoring the situation of vulnerable groups, including in the framework of the next round of the MICS.

In turn, Rustam Khaidarov thanked Inna Medvedeva for Belstat’s many years of constructive cooperation with UNICEF and her personal contribution to the survey of the situation of children in Belarus, and expressed confidence that further interaction will be equally fruitful.

The parties noted the significant potential of cooperation between the organizations and confirmed their readiness to expand cooperation in the framework of new projects.

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