Experience of Belarus in measuring subjective poverty presented in Geneva

Topical issues of conducting surveys to collect poverty data, combining surveys and alternative data sources to produce poverty estimates, and data dissemination were discussed at the Workshop on Harmonization of Poverty Statistics to Measure SDG 1 and 10 and the Meeting of the Group of Experts on Measuring Poverty and Inequality. The events were organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Statistical Division and took place on December 7-9 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Elena Kukharevich, First Deputy Chairperson of Belstat, and Inna Konoshonok, Head of the Living Standards Statistics and Household Surveys Department, represented the Belarusian side at the Workshop and Meeting.

During the Workshop, Elena Kukharevich talked about the approaches of Belarusian statisticians to measuring multidimensional poverty. In particular, she noted the importance of using country-specific data and indicators in order to get a detailed picture of economic poverty taking into account different aspects of life (housing conditions, access to services, availability of immovable property and others).

The First Deputy Chairperson of Belstat also noted that in order to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals related to poverty and inequality eradication, the role of indicators based on the population's subjective perception of their well-being is increasing.

Inna Konoshonok shared with the participants of the events the approaches to measuring subjective poverty in Belarus in more detail.

The presentation by the Belarusian side aroused great interest of the international expert community. Today the best practices of the Belarusian statisticians are actively used in developing guide on measuring subjective poverty. This work is done by the dedicated UNECE Task Force which includes Belstat.

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