Issues of developing official statistical methodology for measuring multidimensional child poverty were discussed in Belstat

On 19 June 2023, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus hosted a meeting of the First Deputy Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Elena Kukharevich, with the Regional Adviser on Social Policy in the Europe and Central Asia Region of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Pamela Dale.

The parties discussed topical issues related to the adaptation of the international methodology on child poverty analysis, as well as the upcoming training seminar on this topic, which is scheduled for 26-29 June 2023 in Minsk. In particular, Elena Kukharevich noted the importance of using country-specific data and indicators in poverty measurement. Besides, the First Deputy Chairperson of the National Statistics Committee drew the attention of Ms. Dale to the involvement of the relevant bodies of state administration of Belarus - the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in determining the list of parameters for calculating the national multidimensional poverty index. Thus, we comply with international recommendations, according to which the definition of a detailed picture of poverty should be carried out taking into account various aspects of life: well-being, access to health services, education and others.

In turn, Pamela Dale praised the achievements of Belarusian statisticians in the field of studying the situation of vulnerable groups, emphasizing the uniqueness of the results of the sample survey of the disabled people. Ms. Dale expressed willingness of UNICEF to further assist in building statistical capacity of data related to such groups.

Besides, the parties discussed the need to ensure the comparability of data between countries, the use of machine-readable formats in the dissemination of official statistics, and the assessment of the administrative data quality.

At the end of the meeting Elena Kukharevich and Pamela Dale noted the significant potential of cooperation between Belstat and UNICEF and confirmed their readiness to expand cooperation for its full implementation.

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