Participation in the 63rd plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians

The 63rd plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) was held on 15-17 June 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. It was attended by the Heads of the National Statistical Offices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) member countries and statistical units of a number of international organisations. Ms Zhanna Vasilevskaya, Deputy Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, took part in this event.


The 63rd plenary session of CES reviewed the following issues:

- methodological and practical aspects of developing the mechanism for monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the role of official statistics in this process;

- ways of modernisation of statistical production and managing for efficiency and data quality;

- conceptual models and good practices of implementing the projects of modernisation of statistical production, including product and service innovation;

- outcomes of the in-depth review of labour mobility and draft recommendations for measuring labour mobility.


The Conference endorsed the Guide to Measuring Global Production, International Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers, Statistical Framework for Measuring Quality of Employment, and Recommendations for 2020 Round of Population and Housing Censuses.


The Conference adopted the Declaration on the role of national statistical offices in measuring and monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals and encouraged all national statistical offices and international organisations to use the Declaration for promoting the use of official statistics for SDG monitoring. In this regard, a number of decisions were taken aimed at:

- statistical capacity building and strengthening of collaboration between the statistical offices of countries in order to achieve an agreed policy in using the main statistical indicators for MDG monitoring;

- developing of a strategy on collaboration with respondents and data users taking into account the need for disaggregated data;

- developing actions to ensure data comparability at different levels (country and regional).


With regard to modernisation of statistical production, the Conference reviewed best practices and country proposals on the improvement of statistical processes to increase the quality of data and reduce costs for their production.


Practical application of methodological recommendations adopted at the session will allow for better efficiency of statistical production through implementation of new methods of data collection and processing and data comparability at the international level.

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