Labour and Employment in the Republic of Belarus, 2012

Labour and Employment in the Republic of Belarus, 2012

Document type: Statistical data books

Registration No.: 12/96-р

Registration date: 20 August 2012

Organization: Национальный статистический комитет Республики Беларусь (Белстат)

Periodicity: Other

Language: Russian и English

Abstract: The statistical book contains time series of information on the population size; labour force; economically active population; number of population employed in economy; labour force movement; use of calendar time fund; occupational injuries; unemployed population registered with agencies for labour, employment and social protection; number of government employees at the state administration bodies; level of labour compensation. The data on basic statistics indicators are presented for the country as a whole, by regions and Minsk City, by kinds of economic activity and ownership types. The comparative data on the CIS countries and other countries of the world are given in a separate chapter. Methodological comments in the beginning of each section explain the meaning of main statistical indicators and concepts used in the book. Selected indicators are illustrated with diagrams and charts. Published in Russian and English.  

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