Document type: Statistical data book
Registration No.: 12/684-р
Registration date: 19 September 2016
Organization: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)
Periodicity: Other
Language: Russian, English
The statistical book presents data on the labour market in the Republic of Belarus in 2015 as compared with the previous years.
The statistical book contains detailed information on the number of population; labour resources; economically active and employed population; government employees in state bodies and other state organisations; qualitative staff composition and staff training; employee flows and use of calendar time budget; labour conditions; occupational injuries and diseases; number and qualitative composition of unemployed registered with agencies for labour, employment and social protection, their job placement, registered unemployment rate; labour costs and wages and salaries of employees and distribution of employees by the size of wages and salaries.
The data are presented in the time series by regions and Minsk city, by economic activity and by ownership type. The selected indicators are presented by cities and districts.
The international comparisons of the Republic of Belarus with CES countries and other countries are published in the statistical book.
Brief methodological notes are given for the selected indicators and definitions. Selected indicators are illustrated diagrams and cartograms.
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