Brief description:
The water loss during transport; other water loss and non-recorded water consumption; in total and by economic activity;
the percentage of water loss and non-recorded water consumption in the volume of water abstraction from natural sources.
Water loss in the Republic of Belarus
The water loss is the amount of water lost during its transportation, storage, redistribution and cooling, as a result of which it does not reach the water user or is consumed in excess of the norm.
The non-recorded water consumption is the volume of water unaccounted for by consumers’ water metering devices due to their insensitivity to low consumption or deterioration of the metrological characteristics of water metering devices during their exploitation, as well as commercial water loss.
The official statistical information on freshwater resources is classified by economic activity using the National classification of the Republic of Belarus «Types of Economic Activity» 005-2011 (compliant with NACE Rev. 2.0).
Data source:
The official statistics on the data of the state statistical report 1-вода (Минприроды) «Отчет об использовании вод» (Report on water use); the data producer is the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus.
Relevance of the indicator:
The indicator allows to determine the effectiveness of measures aimed at improving the water management system in the country. Water loss reducing during transportation to places of use indicates the efficiency of water use and the operation of the water use system.
© National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. When using information reference to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is mandatory.