С.9. Drinking water quality

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Brief description:

The number of drinking water samples taken, of which the number of samples that do not compliant with hygienic standards;

proportion of samples exceeding national hygienic standards.

Proportion of samples tested for microbiological parametres not compliant with hygienic standards

Proportion of samples tested for sanitary chemical parametres not compliant with hygienic standards


Drinking water is water that compliant with the safety standards for drinking water.

Drinking water safety standards are a set of parametres established by hygienic standards that ensure the epidemic safety of drinking water by microbiological (biological) parametres, radiation, chemical safety and favorable organoleptic characteristic.

The permissible values of drinking water safety indicators, which are mandatory for all users to comply with, are established by hygienic standard «Показатели безопасности питьевой воды» (Drinking water safety indicators) (hereinafter - Hygienic Standard), approved by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 37 of 25 January 2021.

Drinking water safety indicators of centralized drinking water supply systems must comply with standards for:

  • microbiological water safety parameters (thermotolerant coliform bacteria; total coliform bacteria; total microbial count; coliphages, Giardia cysts and cryptosporidium oocysts (determination is carried out in drinking water supply systems with water intake from surface water bodies or from groundwater bodies with the influence of surface waters), spores of sulfite-reducing clostridia (determination is carried out when assessing the effectiveness of water treatment technology in centralized drinking water supply systems with water intake from surface water bodies or from groundwater bodies with the influence of surface waters); enteroviruses; legionella pneumophila) given in table 1 of the Hygienic Standard;
  • parameters of water safety by chemical composition, including organoleptic parameters (smell, turbidity, taste, color), general parameters (hydrogen index; general hardness; oil products (total); permanganate oxidizability; surfactants, anionic; dry residue; phenolic index), inorganic substances (aluminum, barium, boron, iron, cadmium, manganese, copper, arsenic, nickel, nitrates, mercury, lead, selenium, sulfates, antimony, fluorine, chlorides, chromium, cyanides, zinc), organic substances (γ-HCH (lindane), DDT (sum of isomers), 2,4-D, pesticides) and complex toxicity parameters (by the sum of nitrates and nitrites, by the sum of pesticides) and given in table 2 of the Hygienic Standard;
  • water safety parameters by chemical composition associated with the entry and formation of substances in drinking water during its treatment and in the drinking water supply system given in table 3 of the Hygienic Standard.

Drinking water safety indicators of non-centralized drinking water supply systems must comply with standards for organoleptic safety parameters (smell, taste, color, turbidity), general and chemical safety parameters (hydrogen index, general hardness, permanganate oxidizability, nitrates, dry residue, sulfates, chlorides, chemicals) and microbiological safety parameters (total coliform bacteria, total microbial count, thermotolerant coliform bacteria) given in table 4 of the Hygienic Standard.

In addition, the drinking water safety indicators of centralized and non-centralized drinking water supply systems must comply with the maximum permissible concentrations and approximately acceptable levels of organic and inorganic chemicals in drinking water entering water supply sources as a result of human economic activity given in tables 6 and 7 of the Hygienic Standard as well as hygienic standards for the content of polybrominated compounds in drinking water given in table of the 8 Hygienic Standard.

Data source:

The data producer is the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus (administrative data).

Relevance of the indicator:

The indicator characterizes the degree of compliance of drinking water quality with drinking water safety standards and allows to determine the risk of negative impact of poor quality drinking water on human health.

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