Regions of the Republic of Belarus, 2024 (Volume 2)

Document type: Statistical data books
Registration No.: 03/504-р
Registration date: 30.09.2024
Organization: National statistical committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)
Periodicity: Annual
Language: Russian
The data book is the most comprehensive publication of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus describing socio-economic development of the regions, districts and individual cities of the Republic of Belarus.
The data book “Regions of the Republic of Belarus” is published in two volumes.
The second volume of the publication “Regions of the Republic of Belarus. Main socio-economic indicators of the regions, cities and districts” contains statistical data on the regions, Minsk city, cities of regional subordination and districts for 2023 in comparison with previous years.
For each region there is information on population, employment and unemployment rate, earnings, social sphere, industrial and agricultural production, fixed capital investments and foreign investments, housing construction and construction of social and cultural facilities, retail and public catering turnover, main financial indicators of organisations.
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