Employment rate and unemployment rate in Quarter 4 of 2024" (based on data of the Labour Force Survey)
Employment in Quarter 4 of 2024
Changes in consumer prices in the Republic of Belarus
Main indicators of certain types of crop prodcution
Gross Domestic Product in 2024
Crop output in farms of all types in the Republic of Belarus in 2024
71st meeting of the Council of the Heads of Statistical Services of the CIS Member States was held
Experience of the Republic of Belarus in publishing open statistics is presented at the Workshop on Metadata Driven Statistical Production in Belgrade
Experience of Belarus in calculating the National Multidimensional Poverty Index presented at the Workshop on harmonization of poverty statistics in Geneva
Meeting of Zhanna Vasilevskaya, Deputy Chairperson of Belstat, with Natalia Gataullina, Head of Tatarstanstat, within the framework of the Meeting of the Heads of National Statistical Agencies of the BRICS countries
Meeting of Belstat Chairperson Inna Medvedeva with the Head of Rosstat Sergey Galkin in the framework of the Meeting of the Heads of National Statistical Agencies of the BRICS countries
Delegation of Belstat headed by the Chairperson Inna Medvedeva takes part in the 16th Meeting of the Heads of National Statistical Agencies of BRICS countries
The data book is the most comprehensive publication of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus describing socio-economic development of the regions, districts and individual cities of the Republic of Belarus.
The data book is the most comprehensive publication of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus describing socio-economic development of the regions, districts and individual cities in 2023 in comparison with previous years.
The short data book contains main indicators that describe labour market of the Republic of Belarus. The publication presents detailed information on labour resources, number and qualitative composition of the labour force, employed and unemployed population, use of calendar time, staff training and wages and salaries of employees.
This publication presents indicators reflecting sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus.
The statistical bulletin presents official statistical information on business demography in the Republic of Belarus.
The Statistical Yearbook is the most comprehensive publication of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus which reflects phenomena and processes occurring in the economic and social life of the country.