45th session of the UN Statistical Commission, 4-7 March 2014

26 may 2014

45th session of the UN Statistical Commission was held in New York (USA) from 4 to 7 March 2014. The Deputy Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Kangro Irina S. participated in the session of the Statistical Commission.

During the session the following issues were submitted for discussion and decision-making:  broader measures of progress, environmental-economic accounting, international trade and economic globalization statistics, information and communications technology for development.


Report of the World Bank on the International Comparison Programme 2011 was presented. The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund and the World Health Organization jointly presented the report on the current and planned activities to improve the quality of disability statistics.

Considered the implementation of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics which resulted in the adoption of the revised preamble.

During the session of the Statistical Commission the special focus was on big data and modernization of statistical systems. The Commission discussed the need for changes in the current programme and publications due to the recommendations of the UN Statistical Division to reduce paper publications and develop electronic publications.

The Commission considered the proposals to celebrate World Statistics Day 2015 on October 20 with the theme “Statistics for more effective decision-making - statistics for more effective development process”.


Also, there were held the working meetings with the Chairman of Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Director of the Department of Statistics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, where discussed current issues and plans for 2014.To discuss the possibility of workshops in 2014 on the comparisons of mutual trade statistics there was organized the meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics. Also there was a meeting with the Director General of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova on the organization of cooperation in statistical and administrative data communication.


In addition, was held the meeting with a representative of UNDP on the development of unified approaches in the use of statistical information in the Republic of Belarus for the preparation of the Human Development Report.


For reference, among the issues were presented issues on energy statistics, tourism statistics, human settlements statistics, short-term economic indicators, development indicatorsand statistical capacity building.