Belstat representatives took part in the Conference on Sustainable Development “Strategies and Partnerships to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”

7 june 2018

Events 2018

The Conference on Sustainable Development "Strategies and Partnerships to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals" was held at the Johannes Rau International Education Center in Minsk on June 6 – 7, 2018. More than 270 representatives of ministries and agencies, legislative and representative authorities, regional initiatives in the field of sustainable development, public organisations, businesses, international organisations as well as experts from Germany and Ukraine took part in the Conference.

The speakers at the conference opening and plenary session were Deputy Chair of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, National Coordinator on Sustainable Development Goals Marianna Shchetkina; Deputy Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Elena Kukharevich; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Belarus Peter Dettmar; UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Belarus Zachary Taylor and others.

Deputy Chairperson of Belstat Elena Kukharevich reported about the organisation of work on coordination of production and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals indicators, and also about the plans to compile regional lists of SDG indicators.

The participants heard the reports, messages and presentations, raised the issues of sustainable development topical for the society and got acquainted with the practices of the Belarusian, German and Ukrainian colleagues.

Other topics discussed at the Conference included the experience of implementing the National Strategy for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus until 2030, elaborating the draft National Sustainable Development Strategy until 2035 taking into account the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, key priorities for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus that had been formulated by the United Nations advisory and expert mission for assessment of SDG progress components – MAPS mission.

At the plenary session on June 7, 2018, the Head of the International Cooperation and Statistical Information Dissemination Department of Belstat Irina Mazaiskaya made a presentation on "Compilation of the National List of SDG Indicators: Main Aspects". The participants of the Conference got acquainted with the process of compilation of the national list of SDG indicators for monitoring the sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus, as well as with the national roadmap for the development of statistics for SDGs.

Photos by Anton Suryapin.  
Photos are provided by the Support Programme for Belarus of the Federal Government of Germany.