Belstat representatives took part in the high-level consultative meeting

28 december 2018

Events 2018

Within the framework of the regional project "Improvement of industrial statistics and development of indicators of industrial performance for policy analysis in CIS countries" implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), a high-level consultative meeting was held at the UNIDO headquarters in Vienna, Austria, on December 20 - 21, 2018. The Belarusian side at the meeting was represented by Deputy Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Olga Dovnar and Head of Industrial Statistics Department of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Snetkov.

The aim of the meeting was to summarize the results of the first five-year phase of the regional project and to discuss the second one.

Belstat’s participation in the regional project resulted in the implementation of new versions of classifications of economic activities and products into national statistical practice, improvement of organisational and methodological approaches to the calculation of volumes and indices of industrial production, receiving recommendations of international experts on improving the coverage of respondents for short-term industrial statistics, constructing multi-annual series of chain indices of industrial production.

The implementation of the next phase of the project is designed to further improve the methodology of industrial statistics, to increase the number of users, to raise their awareness, and to meet high quality standards of statistical publications.