First meeting of the Eastern Partnership’s Panel of Statistics on Business Statistics was held in Belstat on 5-6 May 2015

26 june 2015

On 5-6 May 2015 the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus hosted the first meeting of the Statistics Panel organised within the framework of the EU’s Eastern Partnership.The topic of the meeting was Business Statistics.


Representatives of the European Commission (Eurostat) and national statistical offices of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, France, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland and Ukraine took part in the meeting.


Ms Inna Medvedeva, Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, and Ms Maira Mora, Head of the EU Delegation in Belarus, welcomed the participants. The meeting was chaired by Ms Claudia Junker, Head of Unit A-3 “Statistical Cooperation” of the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat).


The sessions focused on the EU standards regulating the collection, compilation and dissemination of business statistics and its specific areas such as Statistical Business Register, Business Demography, Structural Business Statistics and Short Term Statistics, and discussed related methodological issues.


The meeting is expected to contribute to the approximation of the national methodologies in the field of business statistics of the Eastern Partnership countries with the related EU standards.


The event was organised by Eurostat with the financial support of the European Commission.


The Statistics Panel was established in November 2014 under Platform 2 “Economic Integration and Convergence with EU Policies” of the Eastern Partnership in order to facilitate economic integration and approximation with the EU sectorial policies, particularly by bringing statistical methodology in line with the EU standards by way of efficient sharing of knowledge and best practices related to its elaboration and use.