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Brief description:
Water supplied by housing and utilities enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, as well as losses and unaccounted water consumption; population connected to water supply industry, estimated by Belstat (physical and percentage of total).
Water supplied by housing and utilities enterprises of Belarus, 2001-2023
(million cubic metres per year)
The net volume of water supplied by water supply industry reflects the volume of water supplied, which is determined by meter readings, and if they are not available, by the flow rates established by local executive and administrative authorities.
Losses and unaccounted water consumption are determined in accordance with the Instruction on the calculation of the standard for losses and unaccounted water consumption from municipal water supply systems of settlements of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Decree No. 43 of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the Republic of Belarus of August 31, 2005.
The estimation of the population connected to water supply industry is based on the share of households living in apartments / houses equipped with piped water (urban and rural), the number of households (urban and rural), and the average size of household (urban and rural).
Data source:
Water supplied by housing and utilities enterprises: administrative data; the data producer is the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the Republic of Belarus.
Population connected to water supply industry: estimation on the data on sample household living standards survey, as well as population censuses (1999, 2009, 2019); the data producer is the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus.
Relevance of the indicator:
The indicator provides a measure of pressure on the environment and a measure of adopted response to reduce this pressure. In addition, the indicator provides a measure of impact on human health and in a broader sense a measure of quality of life.
© National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. When using information reference to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is mandatory.