Document type: Statistical data book
Registration No.: 03/688-р
Registration date: 31.10.2019
Organization: National Statistical Commettee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)
Periodicity: Annual
Language: Russian, English
The Statistical Yearbook is the most comprehensive publication of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus which reflects phenomena and processes occurring in the economic and social life of the country.
The data book provides the information on the demographic situation, employment, working conditions and living standards. The data on GDP production and use are also published. A special attention is paid to the indicators describing the state of social and production spheres. The information on natural resources, environmental protection, national wealth, science and innovation, investment, financial status of organisations, monetary and credit system, small business, prices and tariffs, external trade is published.
Basic socio-economic indicators presented in the data book are furnished with brief methodological commentary.
Published in Russian and English.
© National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. When using information reference to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is mandatory.