The Shared Environmental Information System Indicators
The Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) was done in accordance with the Guidelines for the Application of Environmental Indicators in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and South-Easten Europe, developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and aimed to modernize and simplify the collection, exchange and use of environmental data and information.
- С. Water
- С.1. Renewable freshwater resources
- С.2. Freshwater abstraction
- C.3. Total water use
- C.4. Household water use per capita
- С.5. Water supply industry and population connected to water supply industry
- С.6. Population connected to public water supply
- С.7. Water loss
- С.9. Drinking water quality
- С.10. Biochemical oxygen demand and concentration of ammonium in rivers
- С.11. Nutrients in freshwater
- С.14. Population connected to wastewater treatment
- С.16. Polluted (non-treated) wastewaters